Best network player and streaming amplifier

Best network player and streaming amplifier

Best network and streaming amplifier AUDIO TEST / LIKE HIFI from Germany reviewed the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier earlier last year (read more here), and now they have awarded the amplifier with the Editors Choice Award for the best products reviewed in 2023.  We...
Darko Audio reviews TDAI-3400 and CD-2

Darko Audio reviews TDAI-3400 and CD-2

Darko Audio reviews TDAI-3400 and CD-2 John Darko from Darko Audio has reviewed the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier together with the CD-2 CD player. Here are a couple of quotes from the review, and below you can find a link to the full review. “It’s really useful to...
Innovation of the Month award for TDAI-3400

Innovation of the Month award for TDAI-3400

Innovation of the Month award for TDAI-3400 The TDAI-3400 with RoomPerfect™ has been launched some years ago, but when German print magazine AUDIO TEST issued a special edition about room acoustics, it was perfect for another round with the Lyngdorf amp. Some...
Best Recommended in Taiwan

Best Recommended in Taiwan

Best recommended in Taiwan The Taiwanese magazine/website PrimeAV has awarded the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 “Best Recommended”. Below you can read the arguments behind the winning product and find link to the original articles (in Taiwanese). “The benchmark of an idea...
Nothing comparable to TDAI-3400

Nothing comparable to TDAI-3400

Nothing comparable to TDAI-3400 Morten Stjernholm from has made a review of the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier. Below we have translated an excerpt from the review, and at the bottom of the page you can find a link to the full review published by...
Highest score for TDAI-3400

Highest score for TDAI-3400

Highest score for TDAI-3400 Fernando Meza from the Mexican audiophile association AISA has made a review of the TDAI-3400 and awarded the amplifier the highest score he has ever given out. The video review is in Spanish and can be found here. Below we have translated...