autor: Helle Green | Led 8, 2024 | Recenze, TDAI-3400
Best network and streaming amplifier AUDIO TEST / LIKE HIFI from Germany reviewed the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier earlier last year (read more here), and now they have awarded the amplifier with the Editors Choice Award for the best products reviewed in 2023. We...
autor: Helle Green | Kvě 10, 2023 | CD-2, Recenze, TDAI-3400
Darko Audio reviews TDAI-3400 and CD-2 John Darko from Darko Audio has reviewed the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier together with the CD-2 CD player. Here are a couple of quotes from the review, and below you can find a link to the full review. “It’s really useful to...
autor: Helle Green | Úno 10, 2023 | Recenze, TDAI-3400
Innovation of the Month award for TDAI-3400 The TDAI-3400 with RoomPerfect™ has been launched some years ago, but when German print magazine AUDIO TEST issued a special edition about room acoustics, it was perfect for another round with the Lyngdorf amp. Some...
autor: Helle Green | Úno 9, 2023 | Recenze, TDAI-3400
Best recommended in Taiwan The Taiwanese magazine/website PrimeAV has awarded the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 “Best Recommended”. Below you can read the arguments behind the winning product and find link to the original articles (in Taiwanese). “The benchmark of an idea...
autor: Helle Green | Čvn 8, 2022 | Recenze, TDAI-3400
Nothing comparable to TDAI-3400 Morten Stjernholm from has made a review of the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 amplifier. Below we have translated an excerpt from the review, and at the bottom of the page you can find a link to the full review published by...
autor: Helle Green | Čvn 8, 2022 | Recenze, TDAI-3400
Highest score for TDAI-3400 Fernando Meza from the Mexican audiophile association AISA has made a review of the TDAI-3400 and awarded the amplifier the highest score he has ever given out. The video review is in Spanish and can be found here. Below we have translated...