for BW-20
#01 What is the best placement for the BW-20?
If the room allows, the best performance is achieved when installed as an in-wall boundary woofer, in a room corner. This allows the best bass response by playing in line with the in-wall front speakers, and avoids reflected bass bouncing off the back wall.
The second-best placement is in a room corner with woofers facing forward or against the wall. This allows the BW-20 to play almost in line near the in-wall front speakers, with reflected bass bouncing off the back wall reduced to a minimum.
The third-best placement is against a boundary with drivers facing forward or against the wall. This requires distance settings in the amplifier or processor to make the BW-20 play in line with the in-wall front speakers, and reflected bass bouncing off the back wall has to be addressed. Thanks to the shallow cabinet design, the delayed reflections will still be kept low, and a very good bass response can be achieved.
#02 Why does the BW-20 cover a high bandwidth up to 500Hz?
Some conventional subwoofers cover a very limited bandwidth and may underperform in the audible crossover-region with front speakers, for example if the front speakers are no full-range designs.
The BW-20 is not only a subwoofer but a woofer. It is able to play frequencies up to 500Hz, so that a seamless integration can be achieved with any loudspeaker and crossover filter type even when it stretches above 100Hz.
#03 Can the BW-20 play below 20Hz?
Yes, depending on the chosen EQ filter and desired SPL the BW-20 can roll-off below 19Hz. The woofers and cabinet construction are capable for this.
#04 Which LFE setting is the right one in the MP-40 / MP-50 / MP-60 menu?
The BW-20 is more than a subwoofer. It is a high-bandwidth woofer, reaching down to 19Hz but also up to 500Hz. This allows handling more than the LFE signal. It achieves a seamless integration with any size of front speakers, especially if these are not full-range speakers. The best overall performance will be achieved with left and right BW-20 woofers, which handle both the LFE signal as well as the re-directed bass from all left and right front and surround speakers, respectively. The setting to cover all bass is SUB_400. The LFE EQ must be set to Lyngdorf BW-20.
#5 Why is the Neutrik speakON connection used, and how to connect it?
Neutrik speakON is an industry standard for professional loudspeaker connections. It provides a silver-plated, low-resistance, low-mass contact for best signal connection with lowest mass storage effects, and is designed for very high current up to 50 ampere. The turn-and-lock mechanism with touch-proof contacts and a high level of strain relief on the cable allows a very reliable, durable, and easy cable connection.
Each BW-20 comes with one Neutrik speakON NL2FX connector inserted, which allows a wire diameter between 1.5 – 4 mm² / 16 – 12 AWG, to be screwed or soldered. On the cable’s amplifier end, any connector type can be used.
You can find the Neutrik speakON wiring manual under Downloads.
#6 Does the Lyngdorf SDA-2400 or MXA-8400 amplifier have enough power to drive the BW-20?
Yes, the SDA-2400 and MXA-8400 both have plenty of power to drive the BW-20. The BW-20 was developed using these amplifiers. Both deliver 400 watt continuous power per channel and much higher peak power. The BW-20 can also handle more powerful amplifiers with its IEC long-term power handling of 700 watt. But if a higher SPL and more bass is required, it is better to use more subwoofers than to use more powerful amplifiers.