Outstanding TDAI-3400
Stereoplay has made a review of the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 integrated amplifier. The review is in German, but we have translated a few quotes below:
“Streaming? Check. Sound equalizing? Check. Room correction? Check. Active crossover? Check. Power amps? Check. This list could be extended almost endlessly.”
„If we’re looking at the frequency catastrophes happening in any common, acoustically untreated living room, we have to be realistic – all these cable changes, special power filters, bi-wiring experiments, are only a drop in the ocean.“
„Is RoomPerfect™ worthwhile? The answer is a clear yes, even more so when the room has severy acousstical problems. Especially everyone who is forced to place speakers near the wall benefits from it, or everyone who has large windows or a very asymmetrical room, both typical day-to-day problems which can be tackled with this Lyngdorf technology.”
„With a heart for wide and stable imaging the Lyngdorf is playing very straightforward, this Danish amp doesn’t hide its enormous power reserves. The muscle power becomes instantly audible whenever the music becomes dense and requires lots of dynamics, there’s always enough headroom to bring out some more. Note: Nothing beats engine capacity.”
„Its sound character is rather on the precise side, no glossing over, this digital amp plays very detailed and analytical, yet not sounding cold. If you want, you can try different Voicings and play around with sound settings. However the Lyngdorf doesn’t really need that, since it sounds powerful and sovereign and keeps the balance between definition and temper. Special praise for RoomPerfect™: The improvement, even in already good rooms, is an argument which can’t be overheard…”
Price/Performance ratio: Outstanding.