by Helle Green | Sep 19, 2023 | MP-40, Reviews
Best recommended in Taiwan Reviewer and Chief Technical Editor, Charles Lu from Prime AV magazine in Taiwan has reviewed the MP-40 2.1 processor. Together with many good comments, he awarded the product Best Recommended. The review is in Taiwanese, but below we have...
by Helle Green | Nov 18, 2020 | MP-40, Reviews
Editor’s Choice 2020 for MP-40 has announced their Editor’s Choice Awards for 2020 within the Best Home AV Products, and the Lyngdorf MP-40 has won in the category “Best AV Processor £5000-£10,000”. The winning products are the...
by Helle Green | Nov 16, 2020 | MP-40, Reviews
Best in Class for MP-40 has reviewed Lyngdorf MP-40 and awarded the processor with an AVForums Best in Class badge. AVForums badges are only awarded to products which reach or exceed certain levels of testing criteria and are thus an objective indicator...
by Helle Green | Jun 17, 2020 | MP-40, Reviews
First review of MP-40 Martin Dew from Home Theater Forum has made the first review of the MP-40 surround sound processor and awarded it five out of five stars. Below you can read the conclusion of the review and find a link to the whole review. There are not many...