Highest score for TDAI-3400

Fernando Meza from the Mexican audiophile association AISA has made a review of the TDAI-3400 and awarded the amplifier the highest score he has ever given out. The video review is in Spanish and can be found here. Below we have translated some of the quotes from the review to English:
“One of the products that has impressed me the most in all the years I have been in the world of audio.”
“Audiophiles often have fantasies where we would like a product to have so many specifications, so many amenities, so many functions, that it would save us: time, space, and money, but without sacrificing quality. It has always been the intention of the industry to deliver an all-in-one device that does not sacrifice quality or prestige. Several times I have presented an all-in-one with good quality, but never of the caliber of the TDAI-3400.”
“What doesn’t it have? It has everything. Design, app, user-friendly interface. But it also has SOMETHING MORE. No other brand has such powerful, sophisticated, in-house room correction software, developed over more than 20 years. No matter the limitations or imperfections of your room, your equipment can sound at its maximum level because the software will correct all the acoustic deficiencies of your room.”
“Through years of experience, I have identified five areas of evaluation: quality, construction, design, presentation, and price.”
“Quality: 9, the highest number I have ever given. I’ve been very clear about my doubts and my skepticism about class D in amplification because I’ve had a lot of devices that haven’t come close to class A or valve technology. However, now that I have heard this device, believe me that I place it in the middle of the valvular and in the middle of the solid state. Valvular is usually characterized by a mellow, attractive, desirable sound, but it also has deficiencies with respect to its harmonic distortion since there are times that it hides certain details and sonic characteristics of the recording. On the other hand, solid state is characterized by an analytical spirit. It is very critical, it is very clear, and the performance is very transparent, but sometimes even though it is revealing in its sound it tires your ear. The Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 is in the middle because it has the pleasant, mellow characteristics of valvular, but it is also analytical and critical, and does not tire your ear. I am amazed because what I heard is the best thing in Class D that I have heard in my entire life. The sound is transparent, it is revealing, it is dynamic, and even though I heard it with various genres of music, it always responded in a spectacular way.”
“Construction: 9.5. The technology, the elements, and the materials with which this device is made are first rate. It is solid, but it is not heavy or uncomfortable. It has a normal weight. It’s pleasantly manageable.”
“Design: 9. It is difficult sometimes to fight against the Danes. They are at the forefront of design in all areas, and this device has a minimalist design, very sober, very elegant. Wherever you put it, it fits.”
“Presentation: 10. What is this device missing? It can handle basically any speaker with 200 watts per channel at 8 ohms, or 400 watts per channel at 4 ohms.”
“Price: 9. And even though it’s not an affordable price, why it would have to be with everything it has? Very competitive price.”
“On average: 9.3. The highest rating I have given on this channel.”