Five stars for TDAI-3400
Chris Kelly from the online site “The Ear” has made a great review of Lyngdorf TDAI-3400. Below you can read a small excerpt from the review. At the bottom you can find a link to the whole review.
By now, you will probably have realised that I was absolutely blown away by the TDAI 3400. It is an absolute stand-out product in every way. If it has vices I failed to find them in the weeks in which it sat on my rack. It will deliver 200 watts per channel into an 8 Ohm speaker load and 400w into a 4 Ohm load. To experiment I tried different interconnects and speaker cables during the review period. The TDAI-3400 let me hear the differences every time. RoomPerfect will divide opinion of course, but it is a very sophisticated tool and I never got any sense that the sound I heard was somehow ‘digitally modified’. In fact I know that what I was hearing was the true voice of my loudspeakers – luckily I love that sound. When I set up ‘guest’ loudspeakers with RoomPerfect I am totally confident that it helped me to hear them without my room colouring the sound and possibly my judgement. It will do the same for whatever loudspeakers you have decided are right for you.