Thanks for joining us at HIGH END 2023

May 31, 2023 | Events

Cue-100 at HIGH END 2023

The HIGH END celebrated its 40th anniversary and established itself again as the world’s largest audio exhibition. HIGH END 2023 set new records with 22.137 registered visitors from 100 countries and over 500 journalists.

Lyngdorf Audio and Steinway Lyngdorf were two of over 1.000 brands exhibiting, with one showroom and one meeting room located in the best exhibitor area, the big Atrium. The first half of the room became the Lyngdorf demo- and showroom, with the new Cue-100 as the highlight. On all four days, the Cue-100 demo space was packed with listeners, many of them returning to our room again at the end of the day. With most demo systems between 100.000 and 500.000 Euro, frequent feedback was disbelieve how such a pure system, a TDAI-3400 with a pair of two-way high-end audio speakers, can sound so wonderful.

Thanks to everyone who visited us at HIGH END 2023! Save the date and see us again at HIGH END 2024, May 9th – 12th.

If you missed the show, check out Roland’s presentation of our booth:


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