Best in its class

The German online platform Mac Tech News has reviewed Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. Below we have translated a few quotes from the review, and at the bottom you can find a link to the whole review in German.
“Streaming-Amp with room correction – best in its class”
“RoomPerfect™ showed clear sound improvements. As experience with other, more simple calibrations has shown, this cannot always be taken for granted. Yet with this calibration activated, the bass becomes much cleaner. Room modes are effectively compensated, the bass gains contour and punch. But there is also a lot improved in the mid to high range. Above all, the localization of the voices and instruments clearly gains in precision.”
“Other more simple devices with automatic room measurement and Class D switching output stages have often proven to be true mood killers. The music often loses its natural flow and harmony, instead only becomes sterile and technical. This does not apply to the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. For me this is by far the cheapest Class-D-Amp with calibration which doesn’t leave the musicality behind.”
“It is extremely energy-efficient, has numerous connection options, supports pretty much every relevant streaming option, has an above-average room correction and it sounds excellent.”
“I’m not aware of any better streaming amp in this price class.”
You can find the whole review here (in German).