A master of cinema sound

Another great review is out of the Lyngdorf MXA-8400 – this time from AVForums.com. The 8-channel amplifier scored an almost unheard of 10 out of 10 and has been awarded the highest accolade of all, the Best in Class award badge. Below you can read a couple of quotes from the review and find a link to the full review:
“The level of scale and detail on display is extraordinary. Each speaker seems inextricably bonded to a rich, cohesive and natural soundstage. More than any other power amp I have used in the cinema room, the Lyngdorf coaxes out one extra dose of emotion; perhaps just a little more terror here or a little more euphoria there. It’s a wonderful sounding amplifier.“
„The face-off between Denzel Washington and Pedro Pascal in the final sequence of Equalizer 2 shows off the power amp to the max. Not only is the dialogue in the tussle pinpoint sharp, but it must also compete with the swirling hurricane which burrows forcefully through every speaker in the array. All the while, high-frequency crashes of corrugated steel and collisions of flying debris get dispatched from each channel in turn. The amp never winces, does a second take or lets you feel like it’s straining or tiring.“
„The Lyngdorf is a master of cinema sound.”