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Model D in production

Steinway Lyngdorf Becomes Its Own UK Distributor

Steinway Lyngdorf becomes its own UK distributorAfter 8 years with an UK distributor, Steinway Lyngdorf goes all the way to become its own distributor in UK. In October 2021 Steinway Lyngdorf established a new company in UK, and from April 1st 2022 dealers can...

ultimate steinway home cinema

Native Immersive Experience With Spatial

Native immersive experience with SpatialThe next generation of high-quality and home audio systems will provide a native immersive experience with the digital integration of Spatial’s real-time immersive audio engine and Steinway Lyngdorf’s unsurpassed processor...


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Cue-100 at HIGH END 2023

Thanks for joining us at HIGH END 2023

The HIGH END celebrated its 40th anniversary and established itself again as the world’s largest audio exhibition. HIGH END 2023 set new records with 22.137 registered visitors from 100 countries and over 500 journalists.

Marine Speaker at ISE 2022

First ISE in Barcelona

The world’s leading AV and systems integration exhibition ISE had been rescheduled several times and now finally took place May 10th -13th.

Ocenění a recenze

Naše produkty získávají fantastické recenze a jsme hrdí, že je zde můžeme sdílet.

Soundstage award for the Lyngdorf MXA-8400 amplifier
MXA-8400, Recenze

Lyngdorf MXA-8400 – Product of the Year 2024

Lyngdorf MXA-8400 – Product of the Year 2024After the fantastic review of the MXA-8400 by Roger Kanno from SoundStage! magazine, the editors and reviewers have now awarded the best products of the year. The Lyngdorf MXA-8400 has received the award for its...

Lyngdorf Cue-100 ins BIG SEE award
Cue-100, Recenze

Cue-100 wins BIG SEE design award

Cue-100 wins BIG SEE design awardThe high-end design loudspeaker Cue-100 has won another award for its outstanding design that “combines modern Danish living room design with the benchmark-setting Purifi technology.“ The design has been created by Lyngdorf Audio’s...

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